Bye guys im leaving

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Buddyof the month updated!

Alright I just updated the buddy of the month page check it out! (and I'm making another game go on my blog wolf world to see it!)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My game

Learn more about this project

so I actully embeded the HTML of my game have fun!

Tigerstripes destiny chapter 14

"This is how you do the hunters crouch" Sparrowfeather showed Smallpaw and featherpaw. Thistlestar made it so we shared Apprentices because Sparrowfeather isn't that good at fighting and Tigerstripe isn't good at hunting  "so who wants to go on a border patrol? Tigerstripe meowed "I do!" smallpaw squealed "I'm fine I'll just help Whitefur with herbs" meowed Featherpaw" "alright so who else wants to go on the patrol?" meowed Sparrowfeather "i'll take Dawnpelt and Darkclaw". I want some of our strongest warriors if Rage is trying to take over the forest Tigerstripe thought.