Bye guys im leaving

A full list of herbs!

Chapter 1: Basic Items and Uses

Adder Barrack ~ toothaches
Alfalfa ~ chewed, then swallowed to help tooth decay
Aloe Vera ~ leaves are chewed and spit on burns, or skin problems
Blessed Thistle ~ increases circulation of blood
Borage Leaves ~ [small blue/pink star-shaped flowers, hairy leaves] to be chewed and eaten, lessens fever, and increases queens' milk
Bramble twig syrup ~ helps to sleep
Broken Rosemary Blossoms ~ used to heal eye infection or to cover up wounds around the eyes or eyelids.
Broom Poultices ~ helps broken legs and other serious wounds
Broom Malice Poultices ~ heals open wounds
Burdock Root ~ helps stop infection from rat bites
Catnip ~ helps stop greencough
Celandine ~ rub it on aching eye, and it the aching will go away
Chamomile ~ helps with depression and fatigue; soothes heart
Chervil ~ juice of the leaves for infected wounds; chew the root for bellyache
Chewed Gumweed ~ helps seal wounds from infection. stings slightly, but helps to collect the skin together and close quicker
Chickweed ~ cures some of green and black cough
Cobwebs ~ helps cover a wound from infection or from bleeding
Coltsfoot ~ an herb that eases coughing
Comfrey Roots ~ chew and rub on wounds to clean them
Crushed Iris Petals ~ stimulates breathing during the birthing process; can also be used for kit’s sore throats
Crushed Marigold Petals ~ protects against infection of serious wounds; avoid around eyes, for it can be irritating.
Crushed Pawpaw Roots ~ for kitten cough, which only threatens kittens
Crushed Rose Thorns ~ helps seal wounds
Culver’s Root ~ for when a cat takes a dip in some sort of water; use with Feverfew
Daisy Leaves ~ chewed to help aching joints
Deathberries ~ kills a cat
Dock Leaves ~ to be chewed and applied to scratches, which soothes them
Ferns ~ cleans out wounds
Feverfew ~ used when a cat has a fever
Foxglove Cloves ~ for purging toxins from the body; forces you to throw up the toxins.
Foxglove Leaves ~ used on deep wounds to stop bleeding quickly
Garlic ~ for fleas, and some scratches
Garlic Juice ~ dripped into wounds to prevent infection; causes slight stinging
Ginger ~ for asthma and coughs
Goldenrod Juice ~ dripped into wounds to relieve tingling or pain; but does nothing to heal
Grass ~ for upset stomach
Hawthorne Berries ~ for indigestion (look like Deathberries, just not shiny)
Honey ~ helps herbs go down easier, and soothes throats and infections
Horsetail ~ when chewed and applied to wounds, it stops infections
Huckleberry+Goldenrod ~ muscle reliever
Ivy juices ~ calming
Juniper Berries ~ help with stomach ache
Lavender ~ for chills
Lavender Stem ~ calms a cat in shock
Marigold ~ soothes infections
Marigold leaves ~ dresses wounds
Mouse Bile ~ helps rid of fleas and ticks; placed in moss and applied to cat's fur
Milkweed Juice ~ for sores or burns; don't use around ears or eyes; poisonous when ingested
Narcissus Flower Petals ~ soothes a she-cat when having contractions
Nightshade ~ poisonous plant
Oak Leaves ~ to be dried; stops infections
Peathingy Flower Petals ~ helps a kit with kitten cough; will help to clear clogged throats and nasal passages
Parsley ~ stops a queen's milk from coming.
Poppy Seeds ~ lessens pain and helps a cat sleep
Rosinweed ~ cleans out the system when poisons have been digested
Sacred bark ~ for upset stomachs
Sage Roots ~ for cracked pads, especially on elder cats; use with Poppy Seeds
Shock Roots ~ stimulates the nervous system; use after a cat has been knocked out, poisoned, or had head trauma
Snapdragon Seeds ~ clears up ringworm and helps rid the body of fleas
Stinging Nettle ~ stops swelling
Tansy ~ helps with coughing
Thinned-out Heather Down ~ helps with the indigestion of a kit; helps to line a kit’s stomach, and absorb the juices that produce the uncomfortable feeling
Thyme ~ for calming anxieties
Traveling Herbs:
Poppy Seeds ~ helps dull the hunger or pain in your paws
Tansy Leaves ~ keeps hunger at bay
Crushed Lotus Roots ~ helps keep you awake, so that you will not fall asleep (energizer)
Skullcap Seeds ~ gives extra strength
Witch Hazel ~ for when you need an extra "boost"; if you're tired, and have to travel, this will wake you up (energizer)//
Water Mint ~ for stomach aches
Wild garlic ~ helps get rat poison out
Wild onion ~ helps get rat poison out
Windflower Shoots ~ for stomach cramps, such as cramps that came when a she-cat becomes pregnant
Yew ~ induces vomiting
Yarrow ~ induces vomiting


Cute Cockapoos said...

Thanks! This has so many more herbs than Secrets of the Clans! Thank you so much! This helps me with Snowfall's Mistake so much!

Tigerstripe/Blackear said...

Your welcome feel free to put it on your blog! : )

Serious Warrior said...

:) Thanks! Everywhere else I looked didn't have all these herbs listed.

Tigerstripe/Blackear said...

@ Serious warrior
Yes I would agree Lots of people have just put things like thyme and Watermint and Catnip when there and thousands more I have a mere hundred but...

Jayfeatherstorm said...

ok I want to be your friend but I have no idea how to I'm kind of new to blogging and I'm sorry about advertising, my dad said to do it to get more people to look at my blog please friend me, however you do it.P.S. a lot of these herbs I don't even know so, thanks bye!!!!!!!

Tigerstripe/Blackear said...

@ jayfeatherstorm
Yes It's fine I might make a post about it like about your blog so it can get more views... And do you have an animal jam acount?

Firestar 101 said...

Hey I know that I'm posting this comment on the wrong page, but cool mouse design! Hope you can see my blog at !