Bye guys im leaving

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tigerstripes quest chapter two

"Tigerpaw see these berries? if you even eat one you will die said Darkclaw, "so how about we do some battle traning" "sure, are you ready to be beaten again? said Tigerpaw, "in your dreams" Darkclaw huffed. We walked to the training hollow, "so pretend im Thunderclan cat,ready to pounce on you, Tigerpaw slid under darkclaws belly and carefully slid with unshethed claws all the way through his belly fur and popped out under his flank and put a blow to his ear and threw him down "had enough" said tigerpaw "well done but now why dont you get off me? Tigerpaw scrambled off "this training will be vital in battle, keep it up Tigerpaw you will be a warrior in no time"