Bye guys im leaving

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tigerstripes Destiny Chapter 4

"Tigerstripe your the best fighter in this group, I want you to be at the end while I talk to Reedstar then I will attack and thats when you use your advantage, okay? meowed Darkstar "sure" Tigerstripe choked out Darkstar noisly alerted Riverclan of his presence, Tigerstripe's muscles bunched "ATTACK" yowled Darkstar, all of Shadowclan spang out of the ferns. there was a, Boom a Riverclan cat was attacking "so you think you can invade? well think again" he tried to bite Tigerstripes neck but Tigerstripe kicked his belly and slamed his paw into the fat cat's flank "how about I teach you a leason" snarled Tigerstripe and bite his paw very hard sending the tabby fleeing "Tigerstripe attack Sunstream! yowled Darkstar between all the fighting cats there was a small golden tabby, it was Sunstream   "your not my father" growled Tigerstripe and leaped.

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