Bye guys im leaving

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tigerstripes Destiny Chapter Three

a day after the battle Sunstream arrived" I have come to take my kits back" "and who are your kits? snarled Darkstar "Tigrstripe and Sparrowfeather" "get out of this camp" yowled Tigerstripe and launched himself at Sunstream "get off him" Muddypaw squealed and jumped "Tigerstripe get off him" ordered Darkstar Tigerstripe leaped off "Sunstream leave this camp now!" "fine but you haven't seen the last of this" after he left, the clan was very angry "we will launch an attack on Riverclan at sunrise, Tigerstripe, Sparrowfeather,Thistletail, Dawnpelt, Darkclaw, Brakenpaw, Birdpaw, Whitefur, Ivytail and I will go on the battle patrol.

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